Open Science
peer-reviewed academic journals.

About European Open Science
European Open Science is an open-access publisher of peer-reviewed academic journals. We operate a highly cost-efficient publishing model that enables high-quality open-access publishing affordable for researchers around the world. At European Open Science, we believe that knowledge should know no boundaries, and our commitment to accessibility empowers researchers worldwide to contribute to and benefit from the ever-evolving body of academic knowledge.
Discover Journals by Discipline
- European Journal of Zoology
- European Journal of Botany
- European Journal of Aquatic Sciences
- European Journal of Biology and Biotechnology
- European Journal of Advanced Chemistry Research
- European Journal of Applied Physics
- European Journal of Environment and Earth Sciences
- European Journal of Energy Research
- European Journal of Communication and Media Studies
- European Journal of Law and Political Science
- European Journal of Development Studies
- European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences
- European Journal of Theology and Philosophy
- European Journal of Education and Pedagogy
- European Journal of Fine and Visual Arts
- European Journal of Architecture and Urban Planning
- European Journal of Language and Culture Studies
- European Journal of Business and Management Research
- European Journal of Mathematics and Statistics

Open Access Policy
European Open Science provides immediate and fully open access journals on the principle that making science communications open and enabling others to build upon new ideas right away.

Digital Archiving Policy
European Open Science uses LOCKSS system as digital archiving policy. LOCKSS ensures long-term survival of Web-based scholarly publications. Namely, your publication will remain digitally available forever for free under Creative Commons license.

Zero Tolerance for Plagiarism
European Open Science has a policy of "Zero Tolerance for Plagiarism". We check the plagiarism issue through two methods: reviewer check and plagiarism prevention tools. All submissions will be checked by plagiarism prevention software before being sent to reviewers.